from: New York Post By STEVE SERBY
Mike Mussina
June 22, 2008 -- The Post's Steve Serby chatted with the YankeesNew York Yankees righty who has 260 career wins and last week became the sixth pitcher in major league history to record 10 or more wins in 17 consecutive seasons.
Q: Thought you were washed up.
Q: 你曾經以為你完蛋了嗎.
A: I was (smiles). Just ask everybody.
A: 我是啊(微笑). 你問問看別人.
Q: 2007 low point?
Q: 2007年是你的低潮?
A: The low point happened right after the high point, probably, because I won four starts in a row - the last two starts in July and the first two starts of August - and then I hit the three-game stretch where I pitched like six innings total or seven innings total and got pounded, and got taken out of the rotation. Then I got back in the rotation in September and won three more games. It wasn't the way you want to do it, it's not the plan I had when spring training started, but it ended up being the path I took, and I think I appreciate the good times more now because of the battles I went through last year.
A: 也許這麼說吧,低潮是相對發生在高潮之後的.因為我先發連續贏了四場--七月的最後兩次先發和八月的頭兩次先發--之後我就連敗了三場總共好像只投了六局多或七局而且還被打掛,之後我就被移出輪值.然後九月回到輪值贏了三場比賽.這不是你能掌控的,我在春訓的時候也沒料到會是這樣,但事情最後還是走上了這條路.而現在我反而對那美妙的時光有比較多的感謝,因為去年讓我經歷了那樣的掙扎.
Q: Did reports of your demise motivate you entering this season?
Q: 那些看衰你的報導是否激勵了你進入今年球季的心?
A: I was already motivated to prove to myself that I could do better than last year - that last year was just a bad year, and I can still do this.
A: 我早就自我激勵了--我要證明給自己看--我做得到,我會比去年好.去年只是一個不理想的球季,而我還是能夠做的很好.
Q: When will you make up your mind about retirement?
Q: 何時會下定決心退休?
A: I guess when the season ends and I step away from it for a little bit,then I'll figure out what I want to do after that.
A: 我猜可能要等到某天球季結束,我遠離了它(職業生涯),然後想到接下來我要做什麼事的時候.
Q: But you'll leave the door open to continue?
Q: 可是你仍然會有繼續投下去的機會?
A: You can never say never. I watched (Roger) Clemens say 99.9 percent, and he played for four more years. I'm not foolish enough to sit here and say that it's 100 percent of anything.
A: 永遠沒有不可能啊.我看過Clemens曾說過99.9%的可能,結果還繼續多投了四個球季.我還沒那麼傻一下子就把話說死.
Q: What would it mean to you to play in the All-Star Game at Yankee Stadium .. . or start it?
Q: 在洋基球場舉辦的明星賽出場或先發對你有什麼意義?
A: (Laughs) It would be great just to make the team.
A: ((~^O^~))能加入的話將會非常美好.
Q: What do you remember about your last All-Star Game appearance in 1999?
Q: 你對於上一次在1999年參加的明星賽有什麼印象?
A: Ted Williams was there. . . . I played catch with David Cone on the day of the workout. . . . I did get in the game. . . . I struck out (Sammy) Sosa and(Mark) McGwire back to back to get out of the inning. That was just a great experience. But this is Yankee Stadium, this is where I work, the last year of the building, and coming to the end of my career sooner or later - it'd be really great to have a chance to be there.
A: Ted Williams還在...我在練習日跟David Cone傳球...我投入比賽中遇到了一點麻煩...我連續三振了Sosa和McGwire結束了那局.那是個美好的經驗.但是這次在洋基球場,
Q: (Jason) Giambi's thong . . . your thoughts?
Q: 那個...Giambi的丁字褲,你有什麼看法?
A: (Laughs) The thought now is people think he wears 'em every day . . . and why doesn't everybody have one 'cause we all go in slumps?
A: ((~^O^~)) 現在每個人都覺得他天天穿著那條丁字褲...那麼大家何不人手一件呢?我們都會有低潮啊.
Q: During your low point last year, did you consider borrowing it?
Q: 去年你低潮的時候你有想過跟他借嗎?
A: I never, ever, ever considered borrowing it from him (smiles).
A: 從~來~沒~有,想都沒想過(哈哈哈哈).
Q: How does your (wife Jana) and family feel about you possibly stepping away?
Q: 你的太太(Jana)和家人對於你可能不能在身邊有什麼感受?
A: I've been doing this a long time, and they've been supportive the whole time. But I think if I went to more of my kids' ballgames than of my own ballgames, that would be their first choice.
A: 我一直以來常常是這樣,他們都支持著我.但我想他們還是希望我去參加孩子比賽的時間多過參加我自己的比賽吧.
Q: Your 9-year-old Brycen?
Q: 你9歲的Brycen怎麼樣?
A: He's 9 going on 15 (smiles) . . . he loves baseball (he's a pitcher). I think he's at the point now where he really likes that dad plays baseball for a living.
A: 他現在是9歲看起來像15歲(笑)...他喜愛棒球(他是個投手).我想他正好是到這個年紀會喜歡爸爸的工作(棒球)吧.
Q: Your 5-year-old Peyton?
Q: 你5歲的Peyton呢?
A: He's even more into baseball than my older boy is. He knows everybody on the team, he knows everybody's number, he knows most of the opponents. Right now, all he cares about is "When am I gonna get to hit again?" 'Cause Ididn't look very good the other day . . . I grounded out three times (in Houston). I told him, "Hey, at least dad didn't strike out." He goes, "Well yeah, that's true dad."
A: 他甚至比他哥哥還熱愛棒球.他認識隊上的所有人,他知道他們的背號,他認識大部分我們的對手.現在他非常有興趣的事情是"我什麼時候會再次不得不站上打擊區?"因為我前幾天在打擊區看起來不是很好...我三次滾地出局(在Houston).我告訴他,"喂,至少老爸沒被三振." 他說"哦,對呀,你說的是實話,老爸."
Q: Your 18-year-old daughter Kyra?
Q: 你的18歲女兒Kyra呢?
A: She's always on the run. She's always on the phone. In this day and age,when you have a car, computer and a phone, what else do you need?
A: 她總是趴趴造,一直在講電話.在她這樣的年紀的時候,你有車,你有電腦,你有電話,你還會需要什麼呢?
Q: How would you fill the void without baseball?
Q: 沒有棒球空虛寂寞覺得冷的時候怎麼辦?
A: I don't anticipate having a void.
A: 我不覺得會空虛勒.
Q: Pitching coach or managing?
Q: 當投教或者教練(或經營管理工作)?
A: I do not think so.
A: 我不認為會是這樣喔.
Q: What would 300 wins mean to you?
Q: 300勝對你有什麼意義?
A: It means I played way too long, probably . . . The last 40 are a lot harder the first 40.
A: 那可能是代表我打太久了....最後的40勝比開始的40勝難多了.
Q: What would a 20-win season mean to you?
Q: 20勝的球季對你有什麼意義?
A: I would ask myself why I waited so darn long (smiles).
A: 我會問我自己他媽的怎麼會搞這麼久才搞到(笑).
Q: Better late than never, right?
Q: 有總比沒有好,對吧?
A: You know what? If I somehow pulled that off this year, it would be worth missing it all those other years to do it at 39 years old.
A: 你知道嗎? 如果我不知怎麼出乎意料地在今年做到了,在現在39歲回顧過去的那些年會變的很有意義.
Q: When you were yanked from the rotation last year, Ron Guidry stopped talking to you.
Q: 你去年被調出輪值的時候,Ron Guidry就不再跟你交談了.
A: It was just a situation that was uncomfortable. . . . Sometimes people deal with things by just not talking about it. I don't have anything against Gator, we got along great. That's the way it was for 10 days or so.
A: 那只是個讓人不太舒服的情況...有時候人們處理它的方法就是不去談論它.我不對Gator有任何不好的想法,我們相處的很好.這就是那十幾天發生的事情.
Q: Instant replay for home runs?
Q: 對於判決全壘打的立即重播有什麼看法?
A: I'm all for getting it right.
A: 我完全贊成讓對的判決能夠正確判對.
Q: If you could go back in time and pick the brain of one pitcher?
Q: 如果你可以回到過去然後選擇像某一位投手那會是誰?
A: I've always liked what (Sandy) Koufax was able to do . . . in about 10 seasons. And to be that dominating all the time.
A: 我一直很欣賞Koufax曾經能做到的那些事...在那10個球季左右的時間.而且總是保持完全的壓制力.
Q: Your initial reservations about Joba (Chamberlain) moving in midseason to a starter?
Q: 對於Joba季中轉先發你一開始的態度保留?
A: We thought having him and Mo (Rivera) in the eighth and the ninth really gave us something at the back end of the game. Was it the smoothest transition?Probably not. But now that we're through most of it, and he's almost up to what everybody else does. I believe he's gonna be good at whatever he does.
A: 我們認為有他和Mo在八,九兩局投球是一個很大的後援力量.這個轉換是最平順的嗎?也許不是喔.但是現在我們已經經過了大部分的陣痛期,而Joba也幾乎跟上了大家的腳步.我相信他所做的將會越來越好.
Q: Do you think you're in the Hall of Fame conversation?
Q: 你覺得你會在HOF的討論裡嗎?
A: I think I made it to the conversation. Depends who's in the conversation whether it goes farther than that.
A: 我想我讓這個討論有意義.HOF的討論是否有意義是看誰在這個人選裡面.
Q: Your winning percentage will help.
Q: 你的(高)勝率會幫你加分.
A: I think being 100 games over .500 will help.
A: 我想超過5成勝率100場是會加分的.
Q: Would your career be unfulfilled if you didn't win a championship?
Q: 如果你生涯沒拿過冠軍你會不會覺得不圓滿?
A: No. Unfulfilled is too strong a word. I've been really lucky. I've played a long time, on some really good teams, and I'm still out there doing something that I always loved to do. It's great to be a champion and I'd obviously love to have it. But I don't think my career is gonna be defined by the fact that I didn't happen to win a championship if we don't win this year or next year or whenever I retire.
A: 不會.這個字太強烈,我已經非常幸運了.我打球打了很長的一段時間,待過一些很棒的球隊,而我現在仍然做著我一直熱愛的事情.拿到冠軍會很美好,不用說我當然想要得到它.但是我如果今年沒拿到,明年沒拿到或者當我退休也都沒拿到冠軍,我不認為我的生涯是由是否曾經贏過一座冠軍來定義的.
Q: Your Yankee legacy?
Q: 你在洋基的豐功偉業如何?
A: A lot of guys never get a chance to play for the Yankees. They're the most well known sports franchise in the world - and I got to wear the uniform
A: 很多人沒有機會來洋基隊打球. 洋基是全世界最知名的運動品牌-而我正穿著條紋衣.